Court Programs



What is Treatment Court?

The 26th Judicial District Treatment Court Programs target non-violent offenders where there is a reasonable assumption that the offender’s criminal activity is connected directly to the ongoing, chronic, habitual abuse of substances.  Absent an interruption in their cycle of addiction, it is likely the criteria-eligible offenders will continue to commit crime, reenter the criminal justice system, and be exposed to long-term incarceration or other negative consequences that often result from traditional, less resource-intensive approaches to case disposition.  Typically, offenders enrolled in the Treatment Court Programs will have social histories hallmarked by prior contacts with law enforcement, previous exposure to alcohol and drug treatment systems, and a history of relapse into substance abuse.  The target offenders will require and respond to a more intensive focus on treatment, monitoring and intensive supervision, and judicial intervention that hallmark Treatment Court Programs.


Adult offenders assessed as habitual substance abusers and otherwise deemed appropriate for the Treatment Court Programs will be afforded access to the specialized and highly intensive treatment services.  Through effective intervention into the cycle of addiction, the Treatment Court Programs transition participants from addicted persons to productive citizens capable of meeting the challenges of recovery and adult life in a complex society.




The mission of the 26th Judicial District Treatment Court Programs is to promote treatment, recovery, education, and a change in the attitude of drug-driven offenders to reduce recidivism, crime, and the cost of the criminal justice system with the support of the general public and for the benefit of the community. The Court will leverage its partnerships and authority to rehabilitate the participants with intensive supervision, evaluation, and treatment to bring about personal responsibility, accountability, and productive citizenship.


Contact Information:


Barbara Warunek – Court Programs & Development Director




DUI Treatment Court Referral Form

Drug Treatment Court Referral Form